Google Alerts Alternatives

Google Alert could vanish soon; it’s time to shift to alternatives! You may have already seen the signs, and with the shut-down of Google Reader, things are already looking bleak for another of Google’s widely popular services, the Google Alerts. We were notified of the decline in the alerts by many of our regular readers…


Things You Should Know About Sohodox 8.3

The release of version 8.3 of SOHODOX affects users in many important ways. The effect of the release varies, depending on whether you are an existing SOHODOX customer or are still evaluating the software. Have a look at the implications… “I’m still evaluating SOHODOX” If you’re still evaluating SOHODOX and have not yet purchased any…


How much communication is too much communication

Small Business often lacking the expertise about over communicating to their customers cross the leaps and bounds of it all, resulting in inconvenience caused to their customers. Communication with your customers is key to building meaningful, lasting relationships. However, over communicating will cause your message to become marketing noise and potentially get lost in the…


7 Tips & Tricks to go green in your office

A daily dairy of 7 days a week: How you can go green and contribute your bit to the environment for this earth day Monday Go Paperless or use less paper Let’sstart with a simple exercise of “Think before you Print”. Print only those documents which are utmost necessary. Make an online module to update…


Earth day celebrations discount

The thing about Earth is, it’s made up of people like us. In a way, we are the planet. So saving the planet (and thereby ourselves), should always be our concern. However here is what a lot of people do each year on the Earth day (that’s today, by the way). Wake up, go through…
