An NGO has to raise funds, acquire passionate employees onboard and manage tons of documents…apart from helping the community.

Documents come in the form of reports, surveys, official letters and detailed financial accounts that have to be well organized. What you need is a digital document management software that helps transform your NGO into a paperless office. SOHODOX is a document management software that offers many features to NGOs that will help improve their management.

SOHODOX will help you to never lose another report!

Simpler Auditing Process

Simpler Auditing Process

Compliance Rules and various Federal Acts for NGOs make accounting vital for maintaining transparency. You can organize your financial documents based on ‘Revenue’ and ‘Expenditure’. Have all your bills, receipts and invoices safely stored on SOHODOX repository. Also, the accounting team can easily access your documents because they are all together.

Terrific Document Organization

Terrific Document Organization

Folders, tags and linking documents are features at your disposal to keep your documents well organized. Quick search and full text search allows users to pull up documents swiftly. The Drag and Drop feature allows users to easily add documents.

Improve Team Collaboration

Improve Team Collaboration

SOHODOX can be installed on multiple computers and the repository can be shared with each one. This allows members to access the NGO’s documents without having a flurry of crisscrossing emails with document attachments. Team members can also add annotations for others to read or make changes as needed.

Benefits for NGO’s using SOHODOX



Cost cutting is really essential for NGO’s due to limited funding. SOHODOX is affordable and provides the same functionality when compared to other expensive and complicated document management software solutions.

Better Connection with the Field Team

Better Connection with the Field Team

Field team can now stay connected with the NGO’s document repository through their Android or iOS device with the SOHODOX app. The Head Office can immediately get the reports or documents from the field team. Moreover, the data is completely secure because SOHODOX app never stores the documents onto the device.

Whether you are small or a mid-sized NGO, you can’t have employees waste too much time managing, arranging and searching through documents. With SOHODOX, the work at office becomes easier for the team and they skip over a ton of processes that eats into their productivity.

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