Why you should evaluate document management software

Can you imagine buying a $20,000 car without test-driving it first? The car would serve you for several years. In addition to its purchase price, you would also need to spend on its fuel, insurance, maintenance etc. You want to be sure that the model you are about to buy is the right one for you! Well, the same principle applies to…

What to do with paper documents after scanning them

Scanning documents is one of the first things done when using electronic document management software to improve your work processes. A major dilemma faced by small business owners is: whether to destroy paper based documents or to retain them; and if retain them, then for how long?

Once you have converted the paper based documents to electronic form, you should…

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If you have been visiting our web site for some time, you probably have been to the Resources section, where we have a collection of articles, case studies, white papers and user manuals. While you can read the articles and case studies on the web site itself, if you want to read our white papers,…