Why you should connect with Sohodox using Social Media

Until a few years ago, being ‘social’ was considered old-fashioned. Being tech savvy was the norm. Then people found that without socializing, life became very impersonal. We didn’t have time to keep up with the Jones’ – forget greeting them with a smile! But with social media like Facebook and Twitter, things have changed for the better, in many ways. So why not…

Why you should evaluate document management software

Can you imagine buying a $20,000 car without test-driving it first? The car would serve you for several years. In addition to its purchase price, you would also need to spend on its fuel, insurance, maintenance etc. You want to be sure that the model you are about to buy is the right one for you! Well, the same principle applies to…

New, Toll Free Number for US and Canada!

Good news! We’ve got a couple of more numbers you can contact us on:  We now have a toll free number for sales enquiries that can be dialed from the US and Canada: 888-898-0646. If you are dialing from outside the US, the number is: +1 813-882-5740; this number is not toll free.  Our UK and…