A lot more has been said about breaking New Year Resolutions or failing to keep them, than about having succeeded in keeping them. Here we show you how your resolution can be one that is successfully kept.
Why not consider cutting down on your paper consumption this year? It is not just for the environment. It is to help you be more productive in your daily work and personal life. There is a better alternative to working with paper based documents. Most of us already work with electronic documents to a lesser or greater extent. This year, you can resolve to explore and cover more areas of your work life with electronic document management – and thereby reduce your dependence on paper.
“But it’s difficult…”
Not if you begin with small steps. For example, you could start by scanning all your new or currently used documents so that you quickly get into the habit of working with electronic documents. Once this new work style becomes second nature, you may scan your entire paper archive, and then decide which paper based documents you want to retain and which you can shred. Cover other areas of your work flow with electronic document management, like working with folders, annotating documents, tagging them, finding them etc.
This new way of working will save you huge amounts of paper, time and energy than you would imagine. If you are not sure, try out Sohodox electronic document management software free for 30 days. We’re positive you won’t wait that long before you decide to order it!