Have you made your small business natural disaster-proof?

Wikipedia defines a natural disaster as “the effect of a natural hazard (e.g., flood, tornado, hurricane, volcanic eruption, earthquake, or landslide).” Natural disasters are different from natural hazards. A natural hazard turns into a disaster generally when humans are affected by the hazard and are vulnerable to it. For a business organization, this has 2 implications…

Learn how to stamp a document…and more such tricks!

Making use of folders, tags, document types etc. helps you group documents and find them quickly. But what if you want to mark a certain portion within the document as say, “Done” so that your colleagues don’t waste time reading the entire document? Or say you want to insert a bookmark on a document so that you know the next time where you stopped reading the document last time? Well, the answer to this is…

Why you should evaluate document management software

Can you imagine buying a $20,000 car without test-driving it first? The car would serve you for several years. In addition to its purchase price, you would also need to spend on its fuel, insurance, maintenance etc. You want to be sure that the model you are about to buy is the right one for you! Well, the same principle applies to…